If user is not logged in, link will always be drawn.
If user clicks link, user will be redirected to login page and then auto-subscribe to the specified news topics from the tag then redirected back to the page where the link was originally this time, there should not be any link.

If user is already logged in, if any one of the specified topic IDs has not been subscribed, clicking the link will auto subscribe the user for the news topics and refreshes the page and the link should be removed.
User should not see the link if all topics specified in tag has been previously subscribed.

1) Topic IDs delimited by comma (News Topic ID(s) that are site specific, allows subscription, and is active from list will be subscribed for user if user has not previously subscribed)
This parameter is optional. If parameter 1 & 2 are not entered, all News Topic ID(s) that are site specific, allows subscription, and is active will be subscribed for user if user has not previously subscribed)
2) Topic Desc...this parameter is optional but can be used in conjunction with parameter 1...News topic where the description contains the specified text.
3) Area Name. Name of area for link. Please include $MC:URL$ tag to be replaced by the proper URL for processing.

