Company Data
Custom Company Data can be created in addition to the standard fields on a Company’s profile.
To create a new Company Data field:
- Click on Company Data from the left menu
- Click on New in the top right corner of the screen
- Enter the Field Name (this is the name that is stored in the database and cannot be changed)
- Enter the Field Label (this is the name that will be displayed on the profile and can be changed)
- Enter any Field Help text
- Indicate the Field Type
- Indicate a Company Type Restriction
- Indicate if this field is Required
- Indicate if this field is Searchable (front end or back end)
- Indicate where this field is to be displayed
- Indicate if this field is to be “Read Only” and where it will be editable
- Enter an Order Level (this is the order in which the field will be displayed after the standard profile fields)
- Indicate if this is an Active field