Content Tagging

This adds the ability to add/edit multiple categories and configure tag to return one or the other category, Both, or Neither for the following content types.


Gives user ability to create a news story by clicking Create News Story link, then selecting content Category from multi-select list box, entering required data and clicking Save. In order to add mulitple Content Categories, hold Ctrl key and click desired categories.
User can click Edit link to verify content category selection
Ability to change, add, or delete content category(s) and Save
Ability to publish news story with Content Category to production

Product Content Category

Ability to create new product, select Content Category, and Save
Ability to change, add, or delete content category(s) and Save
Ability to publish product changes to production
Remove Content Category
Hold Ctrl key and click on category to delete Content Category selection

Menu Content Category

Add to existing page
Ability to add Content Category for a specific page through EZEdit
Link through which edits can be made to Content Category selection(s) for pages
Publish the page to production and verify its content
Create new page
When attempting to create another page, select a Content Category or hold the Ctrl key and click on as many categories as need
Remove Content Category & Republish
Hold Ctrl key and click on category to delete Content Category selection

Independent Pages Content Category

Ability to add Content Category for a specific page through EZEdit
Link through which edits can be made to Content Category selection(s) for pages
Publish the page to production and verify its content
Link through which edits can be made to Content Category selection(s) for pages
Remove Content Category & Republish
Hold Ctrl key and click on category to delete Content Category selection


LC:CONTENT_CATEGORY_ITEMS:[Builder Area]:[Item Type]:[Category ID(s)]:[Related Category(s)]:[Start Date]:[End Date]:[# of characters to show]:[max. # of records to display]:[Order By]:[Sort Type]:[Top Area]:[Bottom Area]:[NumRecsPerPage]:[News Topic]


'    1)  Area Name
'    2)  Type ==> Not Required;
'       0=All (Default);
'       1=Menu Items;
'       2=News Items;
'       3=Products
'    3)  Category IDs ==> Not Required:  Content Category ID(s); may enter 1 or more ID delimited by commas; empty will return all.
'    4)  IncludeAllRelatedCatg ==> Not Required;
'       0 = Return only for items w/ specified Category ID(s) specified in Param #2; default.
'       1 = Include all related items, Parents and Child records, for items w/ Category ID(s) specified in Param #2;
'       2 = Include only Child records for items w/ Category ID(s) specified in Param #2.
'    5)  StartDate ==> Not Required; Applicable to News Items Only (If Param #1=2); Return all news items from this date.
'    6)  EndDate ==> Not Required; Applicable to News Items Only (If Param #1=2); Return all news items from before this date.
'    7)  NumberOfCharPerItem ==> Not Required; Number of Characters displayed per record returned from: Menu = N/A (All will be URLs); News = News Body; Products = Description.  If content is greater than # of chars. returned, "..." will be appended...
'    8)  MaxReturn ==> Not Required; Max number of records returned.
'    9)  Order By ==> Not Required; Field to Order by;
'       1 = Name from:  Menu = Menu Name and or Menu File Name (whichever is displayed as link text); News = Headline, Product = Name.
'       2 = Date Field:  only applicable to News items #1=2)
'       3 = Date Field --> News Pub Date Field: only applicable to News items #1= 2) '    10)  SortType ==> Not Required;  Sort the Ordery By field.
'       0=Asc;
'       1=Desc
'    11)  Top Area
'    12)  Bottom Area
'    13)  Number of Records per page
'    14)  News Category Topics

Parameter Explanation

Builder Area & Tags


Controls the design for how items look when they are displayed. There are 4 possible options:


The area "...ITEM_BUILDER" is the default version and is intended for use when multiple types of content will be displayed. The other areas have been designed specifically for their particular type of content.

Tags supported:

MC:NAME - Document Name
MC:CONTENT - Document Abstract

Item Type

Determines the content type of the items that will be listed. There are 4 options:

All - (default) returns all types: Menu, News, and Products
Menu - only menu items
News - only news items
Product - only ecommerce products

Category ID(s)

Allows you to restrict the list output to a single, or specific set of, content category(s). Enter the ID number of the desired category. For multiple categories separate them with commas

Related Category(s)

Allows you to specify whether to just show the category(s) listed in the previous parameter or also show their related categories. There are 3 options

(empty) = No Related Categories [leave the parameter blank]
All = return ALL Parent and Child related categories
Child = retun Only Child related categories

Start Date

(*Only Applicable to News Items)

Allows you to limit the the output to only show items that have dates which fall between the specified Start and End (next parameter) dates.

Date format used is: mm/dd/yyyy

End Date

(*Only Applicable to News Items)

Allows you to limit the the output to only show items that have dates which fall between the specified Start (previous parameter) and End dates.

Date format used is: mm/dd/yyyy

# of characters to show

(*Only Applicable to News Items)

Limits the number of characters that can be shown in for the abstract field of news stories. Once the character limit is reached the system will display "..." . Options are:

(blank) = returns all characters
any # > 0 = returns that number of characters

Max. # of records to display

Allows you to limit how many items are displayed to a specific number. Option values are:

(blank) = returns all records
any # > 0 = returns that number of records

Order By

Determines the order method of the items listed. Options are:

(blank) or Name = items listed alphabetically by their name (Menu Name, Product Name, News Title)

Date = lists items in chronological order (*only applies to News Items)

Sort Type

Works in conjunction with previous parameter. Options are;

Asc = Ascending order
Desc = Descending order

Top Area


This parameter allows you to what the top of the list looks like (i.e. blue bar vs. ad). Current areas that can be used include:


Each area will result in a differnt look. If the design you want is not available from one of these you can create your own by adding a new area.

Bottom Area


This parameter allows you to what the bottom of the list looks like (i.e. blue bar vs. ad). Current areas that can be used include:



This parameter allows you to specify the number of records per page.

News Category Topics

This parameter allows you to enter in news topic ids to filter on.

Updated 9/19/2010

Added page navigation:

In the top and bottom areas specified in the tag you can use the tags below:


Alternatively, you can use the MC:NAV_PLC tag in top and bottom areas and create one area based on the bottomarea name with the extension _NAV_PLC. For the example page below you can create the area TAGLIST_END_NAV_PLC.