Course Materials

Creating Course Materials

  1. Login to the Site Admin for your Center (or click Switch to Site Admin if already logged in to the Association Database)
  2. Click on Content Management, from the left menu
  3. Click on Independent Pages, from the left menu
  4. Click on Add New Independent Page in the top right corner of the screen
  5. Enter a Menu Name and a Page Name for this page
  6. Select a Page Category
    • To add/change a page category, go to Content Management --> Page Categories
  7. Enter any Keywords and Description for this page (search engine data)
  8. The Site Template will automatically be applied. No need to select this.
  9. Page Template (NA)
  10. Insert Tag (NA)
  11. Add the content for your Course


Embed Content

  • You can embed content into this page, such as a video or slideshow.
  • You should have your Content uploaded to the File Manager to get started.
  • If this is an FLV file (video), you can click on "insert Flash" or "insert Media" and browse the File Manager to insert your file
  • If this is an HTM, HTML, or iFrame content:
  • Click on HTML at the bottom of the WYSIWYG Editor to switch to the HTML view
  • Add this code to the HTML view

<p align=center><iframe style="WIDTH: 774px; HEIGHT: 465px" height=200 src=""</iframe></p>

  • Modify the URL with the exact location of the HTM file you want to link to. You may also modify the Width and Height of the above code to match your video.
  • Now switch back to “Normal” view (note that the content will not display the video in the editing window unless the link is HTTPS)


Link to Other Content

If the Course Materials exist on another site, but you want to restrict access to this content to only people who registered for the Course on your site. You can do so as well. You will still begin by creating a new independant page, and then instead of embedding a video or other file, simply add the link to the content in the body of the page as a hyperlink. To create a hyperlink:

  1. Type the text that is to be your link. E.G. Click here to Access the Course Materials.
  2. Then highlight the text you want to be your link.
  3. Click on the Hyperlink Icon from the toolbar. This will open a new pop up window.
  4. Enter the URL/Web address where the Course Materials live.
  5. Click Insert to add this link and close the pop up window.


Password Protect your Course Materials

  1. Add this tag to the body of the page
    • $ PC: COURSELOGIN : [Course ID] : [Number of Days After Approved] $
    • Replace the Course ID with the ID number of the Course you wish to link to
      • You can find this ID by going to the Association Database, locating your Course and hovering over the “view” or “edit” link to see the URL of the course in the lower left corner of the screen. Or, click “view” and see the Course ID in your address bar.
    • Replace the Number of Days After Approved with the number of days you will allow a registrant to view this content after their registration has been approved.
    • Note: The tag will force the registrant to login to be able to see this content and verify that they did register for this specific Course. For testing purposes, you can remove the COURSELOGIN tag so that you are able to view the page and ensure the content is displayed correctly without having to first register and login to this page. Then add the tag back in once you are satisfied with the content.
  2. Click Save and Preview at the bottom of the page to preview your content (note that if the COURSELOGIN tag is on the page, you will only see a login screen)
  3. Click “Approve and Publish” and then “Rebuild” to make your page Live. Or just “check in” and “Rebuild” to save your content in the Stage environment only.