Document Category Items Tag


Function Document_CategoryItems(sAreaName, sType, sCategoryIDs, sIncludeRelatedCatg, dStartDate, dEndDate, lNumberOfCharPerItem, lMaxReturn, sOrderBy, sSortType, sTopArea, sBottomArea, lRecordsPerPage, sNewsCategoryTopics)

'     1) Area Name
'     2) Type ==> Not Required;
'        0=All (Default);
'        1=Documents;
'        2=Video;
'        3=Text;
'        4=Image;
'     3) Category IDs ==> Not Required: Content Category ID(s); may enter 1 or more ID delimited by commas; empty will return all.
'     4) IncludeAllRelatedCatg ==> Not Required;
'        0 = Return only for items w/ specified Category ID(s) specified in Param #2; default.
'        1 = Include all related items, Parents and Child records, for items w/ Category ID(s) specified in Param #2;
'        2 = Include only Child records for items w/ Category ID(s) specified in Param #2.
'     5) StartDate ==> Not Required; Applicable to News Items Only (If Param #1=2); Return all news items from this date.
'     6) EndDate ==> Not Required; Applicable to News Items Only (If Param #1=2); Return all news items from before this date.
'     7) Document Category - Document Category ID, can only use one ID in parameter
'     8) MaxReturn ==> Not Required; Max number of records returned.
'     9) Order By ==> Not Required; Field to Order by;
'        0 = PublishedDate DESC,
'        1 = TotalRank DESC,
'        2 = Access Type in this order Assn Members, Members, Public
'        3 = DocumentTitle ASC
'        4 = DocumentType in this order Document, Image, Text, Video
'        5 = Author ASC,
'        6 = ModifiedDate DESC
'        7 = NumberOfAccesss DESC
'        8 = By Oder ASC
'    10) Not in use
'    11) Top Area
'    12) Bottom Area
'    13) Number of Records per page
'    14) News Category Topics
'    15) Tagged items in this format: x.x ==> Not Required;

Tags that work in the Document_Category_Items Tag

Builder Area - (Parameter 1)

MC:DOC_ID - Pulls the document ID

MC:DOC_URL & LC:DOCURL- Link to document

MC:DOC_VIEWURL & LC:DOCVIEWURL - Link to Document View page.*

MC:DOC_NAME - Pulls the document name

MC:DOC_DESC - Pulls the document Description

MC:DOC_CONTENT - Pulls the document content

MC:DOC_ABSTRACT - Pulls the document abstract (150 character)

MC:DOC_FULLABSTRACT - Pulls the document abstract (all characters)

MC:DOC_ACCESSTYPE - Pulls the document access type

MC:DOC_DATE - Pulls the date the document was published

MC:DOC_NAMEDATE - Pulls the entire/full date the document was published

MC:DOC_DATE_MOD - Pulls the last date the document was modified

MC:DOC_CATEGORY - Pulls the document category

MC:DOC_DOCUMENTTYPE - Pulls the document types


MC:DOC_AUTHOR - Pulls the document author

MC:DOC_SUBTITLE - Pulls the document subtitles

MC:DOC_RANKING - Pulls the document ranking

MC:DOC_SPONSORED - Pulls the document sponsors

*The MC:DOC_VIEWURL & LC:DOCVIEWURL tags call the Document View page, which is built from the DOCUMENT_VIEW_TEMPLATE_DOC area.

The DOCUMENT_VIEW_TEMPLATE_DOC area can pull the following tags:

MC:DOCUMENT_TITLE - Pulls the Document Name

MC:DOCUMENT_SUBTITLE - Pulls the content from the "Subtitle" field

MC:DOCUMENT_DATE_PUBLISHED - Pulls the Published Date

MC:DOCUMENT_DOWNLOAD_URL - Creates a link to download the document

Top and Bottom Areas - (Parameter 11 & 12)

MC:NAV_PLC - Calls the Pagination feature, which calls these tags

MC:CURRENT_PAGE - Displays what page of documents you are viewing

MC:TOTAL_PAGES - Displays total pages of the pagination

MC:NAV_LINKS - Displays links to use to navigate through the pagination (Next, Previous, First & Last)