Document Manager

Documents are available for download on the F/E interface depending on the restrictions set. Content of PDF files is indexed, for the rest of the files only the meta data is indexed.

Page Modes

NEW – allow upload of document; required fields:  document name, description, category, and access type.

EDIT – can only edit the most recent version of document for fields:  description, category, abstract, access type, and sub-communities.  Any changes to most recent version for these fields will be updated for previous versions.  New file can be uploaded as “New Version”.

DELETE – deletes document from disk and record from database, including all revisions and access history.

VIEW – lists most recent document info on top followed by previous version(s) and access history for each version.

FIND – allow search by all fields; no search criteria entered, will return all most recent version documents for site.  PDF Keywords are for PDF documents.

REVISION – can only upload new document, add new description and abstract.