Math Forms:

Field types and field attributes work together to define the values and operators that will be used in a simple or complex arithmetic calculation.

Value Fields:

Value- Display-only text on the form with a hidden value that can be used in the mathematical expression.
Value Currency - A value field that is in currency units.

Math Fields:

Math - Read-only edit box that allows addition, subtraction, multiplication of two or more fields. The calculation is displayed in real time on the form as the end user fills it out.
Math Currency - Math field that returns the results in currency units.
Numeric - Input box that only allows end users to enter numeric values. The number entered by end
users can be used in Math Field expressions.

Drop list - Field attributes are used to set the value or currency value of each option in the drop list. The
selected value is used in Math Field expressions.

Checkbox - Field attributes are used to set the values returned from check box selections. The selected
value can be used in Math Field expressions.

Radio - Field attributes are used to set the values returned from the selected radio option. The selected
value can be used in the Math Field expressions.

Valid Operators - Math and Math Currency fields can use + (plus), - (minus) and * (multiplication)
operators in an expressions. Parenthesis can be used to create complex expressions, e.g. (a+b*c) + d

Configuring Credit Card Charges - If a Pay flow Pro account is being used to automate credit card
processing then the credit card charge must be configured.

  • When the form is completed (all value, numeric and math fields have been created and attributes defined), click on the Configure Credit Card link in the Form Features section.
  • Click on the User Selection radio option to select it.
    Select the Math Field that was used to calculate the grand total from the drop list.
  • Click on the Save button.
  • Click on the Close button.
  • Publish the form

Unselect - Deletes the field from the Dynamic Form.

Country Picker - Provides a droplist of countries to select from.

Date (Drop List) - The user will select a date, month and year through a drop down list.

Date (Split Text) - The user can type in the specific Day, Month and Year in a text box.

Email - Text box that validates proper email format needed for Auto-Reply and Email List.

Event ID/Name Hidden - Special field that ties Dynamic Forms to special events.

Interger Positive - Text box that allows the user to type in positive whole numbers.

Log in Email - If the user is logged in this action will capture the logged-in users email and add it to the form data.

Log in First/Last Name - If the user is logged in this action will capture the logged-in users first/last name and add it to the form data.

Memo/Text Area - Multi-line edit box.

Text/ Edit Box - Single-line edit box. 

Numeric Only - A positive, negative or decimal number field. 

Numeric Mask - Masks information entered when form action is closed to protect data.

Password - Allows the user to type in text and be masked as you type.

Upload File -  Allows the user to attach files to form for uploading files.

User Define Hidden - Allows user to atach hidden data to be submitted within a form.