Editing Pages

Save Options

When changes to the page content or to the page meta data are completed  there are three action items on the EZEdit page to process the changes:

  • Save and Preview - saves changes and opens the Preview Page.  The content changes are shown with the template and style sheets applied. Links and tags are active and can be tested.
  • Save - saves current changes and keeps the page editor open so additional changes may be made to the page.
    • Note: It is recommended that you save your changes any time you walk away from your work. If you are gone longer than the session expiration time  the system will log you will lose unsaved changes.
  • Save and Close - Saves edits, closes the editor and bypasses the preview page. The page is still checked out.
  • Undo Checkout - Closes editor and checks the page back in. All changes made during the page checkout are lost.

Rebuild Actions

The edit and preview pages both have three (or four) radio buttons that give you the opportunity to take next steps in the content management work flow. Be sure to save any changes before selecting a rebuild action, as these actions do not save the content.

  • None  = Page content is rebuilt on Stage, but still checked out to user
  • Check In  = Page is checked back in for another user to edit, and your changes have been rebuilt to Stage.
  • Approve  = Page is checked back in for another user to edit, your changes have been approved and rebuilt to Stage. (Only available if the Approval Process is turned on)
  • Publish OR Approve and Publish = Page is checked back in for another user to edit, your changes have been approved, rebuilt to Stage and published to WWW.

Note: The Stage version of the website is where you can view your changes before they are Published to the live (WWW) website.