Email New Members

This interface creates the website logins and emails new members. This is useful prior or immediately after go live to send the username and password to People. This is a tedious process in which each of the pages of the report needs to be accessed in order to run otherwise the logins will not be created.

You can create your list using the following criteria:

  • Contact Type
  • Company Type
  • Industry Type
  • Committee
  • Chapter
  • Event Attendees
  • Location
  • Email Status
  • People Status

To create the content for this email:

  • Go to Siteadmin
  • Click on Content Management, in your left menu
  • Click on Areas 
  • Search for “FirstTimeMemberEmail”
  • Enter your content and save
  • Use the tags below for member-specific content
  • Password: $MEMBR_PASSWORD$


  • The FirstTimeMemberEmail area needs to be created including the tags for username and password.
  • The site From email address should be set to the correct email address for production mode.
  • The test mode in the /assn/setup.asp page should be turned to OFF.

Alternate Settings:

"Send Email for Membership Type" allows sending this first time member email not just to first time members but also to people members changing the membership type to one of the"premium" types. This special case works in conjuction with the flag MembershipDues.MembershipEmailed from the Membership Dues table.

A. For new members and specific membership types it will send a custom email message instead of the generic/default "first time member email" while creating the login with a new username and password.

B. When a member changes the membership type to one of the specific membership types with a custom message (as defined above) it will send the custom email message without recreating the login. This message will include the existing username and password.

To determine the change in membership type between renewals, the system compares the most current membership type by using the End Date and retrieving the previous record with the End Date less than the most current record, but most recent of all records that is not current. This is to account for multiple records for same People ID and same membership type for same membership End Date but may be different in other fields such as subscriptions.

Important: If both Start Date and End Date are the same then no email is being sent. If the are more then one "most current membership record" based on End Date, the system will take into consideration the Start Date to differentiate the "newer" record.

A flag is added to the MembershipDues table (MemDue_MembershipEmailed) to flag that an email has been sent to prevent resending either if report is rerun or membership is renewed for same membership type.