Enroll an Organization (Company)

  • Select the Membership Fee
  • Select any additional subscriptions
  • Enter the Company Profile information
    • This will include the standard company fields, as well as any custom fields created
    • The Primary and Secondary address can be selected by the main contact for the registering company
  • Enter the Company Contacts
    • Only the Required contacts need to be entered at this time. Additional contacts can be added later.
    • The primary contact will receive all notifications regarding membership.
  • Enter Donations (if applicable)
  • Review Membership application
  • Enter Payment Information
    • Payment options are setup in Siteadmin, under Site Configuration à Payment Options
  • Submit

There is now a link to Approve this membership registration that will take you to the Membership Approvals queue where you can confirm and Approve the registration.

NOTE: When registering on the front end or on the back end, the registrant will receive an email once the application has been submitted, confirming their application has been received, and another email once the registration has been approved.

The email notifications can be found in the Siteadmin.

  1. Click on “Switch to Siteadmin”
  2. Click on “Areas”
  3. Search by name
  4. Click “Edit”

The “areas” are: