The Tag




The Parameters (aka the stuff you will be modifying)



§  the area name for the placeholder that draws the entire calendar on the page.  There are only 2 choices for this





§  The calendar id.  This is the number listed for each calendar on the Calendar page in the communication section of the siteadmin left menu.

o    You will also see the ID # when you EZEdit any existing Calendar page that is still a Hybrid page.  The ID is located on the last line before the “Save” and “Undo Checkout” buttons, the text will look like this …  CID=1. 

o    That means this is calendar’s ID is 1.



§   Optional 

§   comma separated list of event category ids

o    IDs can be found by going to the list of Calendar categories found in the calendar section of the Communication menu.

§  Leave parameter blank to display all categories assigned to the previously specified calendar.



§  Optional

§  Specifies the default date the calendar is set to display upon first reaching the page

o    Format for date is 5/1/2006

§  Leave blank to use today’s date


Example(s) of Tag


Main Calendar      



Division of Youth





Here’s a test page with the new calendar tag on it that I setup for you to use as a reference.  The tag used is the one listed above for the Main Calendar. 


To use the tag all you have to do is copy one of the tags from above, then go to the content page you want the calendar on and paste the tag there (if necessary, modify the parameters to match the calendar you want to display).   Now rebuild and publish the page.  That’s it!