Event Login Tag 


When users attempt to access the related page they will be prompted to login (if they are not already logged in). Once logged in, the system will automatically determine if the user has 1) access to the specified event content via the approved payment record, and 2) the date when the record was approved is not beyond the expiration date specified in the tag (e.g. 30).

If the user does not meet the criteria they will be informed of a permission error and should contact support.  


PC:EVENTLOGIN:{Event ID}:[Days] 



The first parameter (e.g. 259) represents the Event ID, this is required. The second parameter (e.g. 30) represents the Number of Days after a user's registration was approved their access to the page will expire.

Associated Content Area

COURSE_PAGE_ACCESS_DENIED This area will contain the text needed to indicate a user does not have access to the specified page.