Experience/Service Type - Drop List

Used to build and maintain a history of relevant experience that a faculty member chooses to include in his/her CV. This section is driven by Experience/Service Type.

On the Experience/Service home page, the user can search the list of experience/service types from the drop list below. Based on the experience/service type, the summary page will be refreshed with applicable data fields.

Experience/Service Type – Drop List Values

Experience/Service Type

Drop List Value



Academic Appointments

Appointments to academic ranks


Associate Professor;

Assistant Professor;


Administrative Appointments/ Responsibilities

Non-academic appointments to perform administrative duties

Division Head;

Department Chair;

Medical Director;

Section Chief

Endowed Position

Endowed academic chairs and professorships


Distinguished Professorship;


Distinguished Chair;

Distinguished University Chair;

Ashbel Smith Professorship

Institutional Committee Activities

Service on committees where for current institution only.

Note: Committee activities associated with other institutions should be entered under Other Appointments/ Responsibilities

Animal Safety and Use Committee;

Faculty Senate;

Institutional Review Committee;

Lymphoma Service;

Medical Board


Consulting services provided to organizations outside your institution, such as pharmaceutical companies engaged in research and other institutions.

Consultant to Pfizer, Inc. or Merck & Co., Inc.


Drop List Value



Military or Other Governmental Service

Service in the armed services, Public Health Service, or other governmental service within or outside the United States

United States Air Force;

United States Army, Walter Reed General Hospital

 Other Appointments/ Responsibilities

Committee Activities that are outside your Institution, or

any appointments that do not fall under:

·         Academic Appointments

·         Administrative Appointments/ Responsibilities

·         Institutional Committee Activities, i.e., within M. D. Anderson

Committee activities at the Medical College of Wisconsin:

Chair, Search Committee;

Chair, Cancer Action Group

Other appointments:

Founding Director, Cancer Center