File Management

The file manager is a utility that is used to upload files to the xCatalyst server. Images and documents (as links) are not available to the content management system until they have been uploaded. The File Manager  allows you to upload files to directories  you create or select.  

Uploading Files

To upload a file using the file manager follow these steps:

  1. Locate  and expand the Content Management section on the left menu.  
  2. Click the File Manager link.
  3. The File Manager page will open. The application will open and the file path will be defaulted to the root directory.
  4. The number of files retrieved per page is defaulted 50 files. The number of files listed per page can be changed in the Search Parameters. In addition to the number of files, a check box can be checked if image thumbnails are desired.
  5. To create a new directory, enter a Directory Name and click on the Create button.
    Select the directory File Path drop down fields. Each time
  6. Select the number of images that will be uploaded (if a number greater than one is selected, the screen will refresh displaying one upload field for each file that will be uploaded.
  7. Click the Browse button to explore  local and network drives.  Navigate to the image file you wish to upload, select the file, and click the Open button.  
  8. Click the image icon to select the file, and then click the Open button.
  9. When all files have been selected, click the Upload button.

Note: When images are inserted into page content using the WYSIWYG then the relative path is inserted into the HTML code. The root of this path is always /images/. An image that was inserted using the WYSIWYG that is located in a directory other than the root would be placed into the HTML as:

/images/other-directory-name/image file name

Deleting Files

The ability to delete files or directories is a privilege that may be granted to a content editor by the site administrator. If the privilege has been granted, the content editor will see a Delete link next to the file or directory. When the delete link is clicked, a confirmation popup window will open and prompt for a confirmation before the file or directory is deleted.