Find and Create Events

Create a New Event:

  • Click on Find Event
  • Click “New” in the top right corner of the screen (or you can click Clone Event)
  • Enter the Event Name
  • Select the Event Type
  • Select Event Category (ies)
  • Enter the Location (Venue) of the Event
  • Enter the Address
  • Enter the Region, Country, State, and City
  • Enter the Zip
  • Indicate if this event has an expiration date
  • Enter the Start and End dates (times)
  • Indicate a Capacity (How many people can register?)
  • Select a Status
  • Indicate if this event will be auto-approved, or manually approved
  • Indicate if this event is to be posted to the web. Click here for Calendar-Listing Grid. 
  • Add an Accounting Code
  • Indicate how Functions are to be displayed
  • Select a Host Company (if applicable)
  • Indicate if an Evaluation Form is to be sent after the Event
  • Add any Comments
  • Type your Event Description
  • Save

Once you have saved your event, you have the options to add Fees, Sponsorships, Speakers, Event Custom Fields, and Functions. To link to your event, use either the EVENT URL (full address) or the EVENT TAG (to be placed on a page in your website).

To Add a Fee:

  • When you are viewing the Event screen, click “Add” in the Fees section near the bottom of the page
  • Add the Fee Description (this will be what displays on the website)
  • Enter this Fee’s End Date
  • Select an Attendee Type
    • Note: The Attendee Type must be different for each Fee, unless the Fees are to cascade, one after the other (i.e., Early, Regular, Late)
  • Select a Registration Option
    • You can restrict access to Members, Non Members, etc.
  • Select Company Membership Type (for restriction to a specific membership type)
  • Indicate the Amount of this Fee
  • Enter any Discount Codes (when used on the Registration, will automatically discount the registration)
  • Enter the Discounted Amount (the amount AFTER discount, so if the discount is 10%, this field will be the other 90%)
  • Enter the Number of Guests allowed for each Registrant
  • Enter the Amount Per Guest
  • Select a Display Option

To Add a Sponsorship:

  • When you are viewing the Event screen, click “Add” in the Sponsors section near the bottom of the page
  • Select a Company (Sponsor) from the pop up picker
  • Enter the Company Slogan (if applicable)
  • Enter the Company’s Logo URL (to display the Company logo)
  • Select any related contact people (from the database)
  • Indicate a Sponsorship Type (i.e. Gold Sponsor)
  • Indicate the Sponsorship Amount
  • Enter any comments

To Add Speakers:

  • When you are viewing the Event screen, click “Add” in the Speakers section near the bottom of the page
  • Select the Speaker from your database by clicking the “People” pop up picker
  • Select a Speaker Type
  • Create new Speaker Types under Reference --> Lookup = SpeakerType
  • Enter a Speaker Topic
  • In the main content area, enter any descriptive information

To Add an Event Custom Field:

  • When you are viewing the Event screen, click “Add” in the Event Custom Fields section near the bottom of the page
  • Enter the Field Name (this is saved in the database and cannot be changed)
  • Enter the Field Label (this is what is displayed and can be changed)
  • Enter the Field Help
  • Select a Field Type
  • Select if this Field is Required
  • Select if this Field is Searchable
  • Select where this field is Displayed
  • Indicate an Order in which to be displayed (increments of 10)
  • Select if this Field is Active
    • Event Custom Fields are best used to collect additional information from the Registrants

To Add a Function:

  • When you are viewing the Event screen, click “Add” in the Functions section near the bottom of the page
  • Enter the Function Name
  • Enter the Function Type
    • Add more Function Types under Reference > LookUp  FunctionType
  • Enter a Start and End Date/Time for this Function
  • Enter a Fee for this function
  • Select Auto-Include Function
  • Select Allow Quantity Entry
  • Select any Registration Options (e.g., Members only)
  • Select Display Option 
  • Enter Display Expiration Date 
  • Select Selected Fees
  • Select Is CPE (for credit)
  • Select Field of Study
  • Enter CPE Credits
  • Enter an Accounting Code
  • Enter a Capacity of Registration
  • Enter a Description
  • Select Display for the Function Name Only or Function Name and Date
  • Select Related Event Data (Custom Field)
  • Enter Location
  • Enter any additional Comments
    • Functions are best used for additional “mini-events” within your main event. For instance, a 3 day conference may have multiple workshops, dinners, etc. Functions can itemize all of these event options and charge a fee for each, if needed.

Course Capacity:

Event / course capacity is compared against both "submitted" and "approved" attendee records. If the system is not accepting new registrations, the event may be at or above attendee capacity, check the number of approved and pending registrants. If the number of approved attendees, plus the number of submitted applications is equal to the capacity, the system will no longer accept new registrations from the front end. More attendees can be added from the back end.  To allow for more registrations from the front end, edit the event details and increase capacity OR cancel registration on submitted attendees that do not meet requirements for approval, to get them out of the system's headcount.