Find or Create New Company

Creating a New Company:

  • Enter the Name of the Company
  • Enter the Company Type
  • Enter the Company Address Information
  • Additional fields can be added to the Company Profile under Reference --> Company Data

Note: Creating a company profile does not create member, just a record in the database.

Once you have created a Company, you can Add, View, and Manage:

  • Secondary Locations
  • Company Contacts
  • Company Memberships
  • Sponsorships
  • Activities

To Find a Company:

  • Click on "Find Company" from your left menu
  • You may search for companies by:
  • Name
  • Company ID
  • Location
  • Organization Type
  • Membership Type
  • Status

Once you have found the Company, your options are:

  • View this Company
  • View Profile
  • View Organization People
  • View Company Certificate
  • Edit this Company
  • Delete this Company