Finding Records

Finding Record(s) based on Type: 

Some sections consist of multiple record types, for example Experience/Service consists of several record types. The Find feature can be used to locate all records of a particular type. To display a summary screen consisting of a list of all records matching the search criteria:

  1. Click section link on the left navigation bar.
  2. The home page consisting of a Find screen will be displayed for that section.
  3. From the Type drop list, select the record type.
  4. Click Search button.

The summary screen will display a list of all records of the type selected.  

Finding Record(s) Based on Search Criteria:

The Find feature can also be used to locate specific data, for example a particular grant by title. To display a summary screen consisting of a list of all records matching the search criteria:

  1. Click section link on the left navigation bar.

The home page consisting of a Find screen will be displayed for that section.

  1. In the box provided, enter the search criteria, which can consist of an entire title, a portion of a title or a keyword.

  2. Click the Search button.

A list of all records matching the search criteria will be displayed (see example below).