Form Features

There are three powerful features available to integrate with a form. The features become available as E-mail or Credit Card field types are added to the form..

  1. Auto-Reply - The auto-reply feature is used to send automated (and personalized) responses to people that submit a form. In addition to a default auto-reply, a targeted reply can be sent to respondents based on options selected in drop lists questions. Using this additional functionality respondents could be segmented based on geography, preferences or areas of interest. This feature only becomes available when an email field type is added to the form.

  2. E-mail Lists - if the E-mail field type is dropped on a form then the E-mail List option will appear to enable the form builder to funnel respondents into existing email lists. The E-mail List feature also offers the ability to funnel respondents into email lists based on answers provided in drop list options. This feature only becomes available when an email field type is added to the form.

  3. Credit Card - This feature works in concert with the Credit Card field. If the form has a credit card transaction, the properties of the transaction such as payment processors and charge types are configured in the Credit Card feature. This feature only becomes available when a credit card field type is added to the form.

Credit Card

If the form has a Credit Card type field  a Credit Card Configure link will appear in the Features section.

Credit Card Processing can be added to a form that will enable automated online credit card transactions.  In order to use the credit card processing option a valid  PayFlow Pro account must be setup with Verisign.   

To add credit card processing to your form, follow these steps (assumes payment processor has been set up):

  1. On the Edit Form page, click the Credit Card Configure link.  .  

  2. Select the Credit Card Processor from the drop down box.

  3. Select the Charge Type.  Charge type options include:

    • Fixed Charge - same fixed charge for every instance of the form (fixed pricing, never varies)

    • Driver Field - charges are determined by field options (combination of selections)

    • User Selection - Respondent selects charge amount from options selected on the form (donation)

  4. Click Save.   

Focus on Charges Derived from Driver Fields

If the Driver Field option is selected, then a drop down hot spot appears that prompts the administrative user to enter values associated with the options. Once the values are saved, and Assign link appears. When the link is clicked, the popup screen refreshes and the administrative user is prompted to assign options to dollar values. Charges will be based on these selections.