Formal Teaching

Formal Teaching Drop Lists



On the Formal Teaching home page the user can select:

  1. Location, that is, Within Current Institution, Outside of Current Institution, or All from the Location drop list, and
  2. Type from the Formal Teaching Type drop list.

The user clicks Search and based on the selections, the Formal Teaching summary page will be refreshed with applicable records.

Entering Formal Teaching Data for Multiple Dates:

Faculty may teach the same course or conduct the same training program more than once. The system allows faculty to enter a course/program and related data once and enter term(s) and date(s) each time the same course is taught.

To Enter Course/Program Data:

1.    Click Add on either of the green title bars (see screen print above).

The Add Formal Teaching screen will be displayed.




2.    Enter course/program data.

3.    Click Save.

The Add Course/Program Dates screen will be displayed.


To Enter Term(s) and Date(s):



1.    Enter Term, Start Date and End Date.

2.    Click Save.

You will return to the summary page.

3.    To enter additional dates, click Course/Program Date link.


Formal Teaching Type Drop List Values

Formal Teaching Type

Drop List Value



Courses Taught

Didactic courses taught at institutions of higher learning within or outside the current Institution


Training Programs

Educational training programs conducted within or outside the current institution

Postdoctoral clinical or research fellowship training program

Other Formal Teaching

Any formal teaching that does not fit the criteria of the two types described above

Institutional Grand Rounds – may be entered here or under Conferences and Symposia, but not under both sections


Formal Teaching Data Fields and Examples

The following is a list of data fields for all formal teaching types. No description or examples are provided for self-explanatory data fields; not all data fields apply to every formal teaching type.


Courses Taught, Training Programs, Other Formal Teaching

Data Field



Formal Teaching Type

Select from above list of formal teaching types.



Role of the faculty member in a committee or teaching capacity.


Course/Program Name

Name as it appears in a teaching institution catalogue or course/ program listing.

Division of Medicine Medical Oncology Fellowship Lecture Series: Optimizing the sequencing of Surgery, Chemotherapy, and Radiation in Breast Cancer

Course Number

Course number as it appears in a teaching institution catalogue or course/ program listing.


Course Type




 Within Current Institution




 Outside of Current Institution


· Baylor

Within Current Institution

Teaching Institution

Full name of teaching institution.

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Course Hours




Courses Taught, Training Programs, Other Formal Teaching

Data Field




Applies only to didactic courses.

Do not enter month/year for term.

Spring, Summer, First Quarter

Start Date

If only one date is given, enter it in Start Date. Only year is required for start date.

03/1999 or 1999

End Date



Formal Teaching Examples

Four examples are provided of faculty serving in a variety of formal teaching roles in various teaching modes.


Courses Taught, Training Programs, Other Formal Teaching

Data Field

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Formal Teaching Type

Courses Taught

Courses Taught

Other Formal Teaching

Training Programs

Course/Program Name

Elementary Mathematical Methods for the Bio-scientist

Medical Dosimetry Program: Research Design and Statistics II

Division of Radiation Oncology Resident Lectures: Management of Spinal Cord Compression – Unusual Case Presentations

Clinical trials, Office of Protocol Research Training Program for research nurses/data managers

Course Number











Within Current Institution

Within Current Institution

Within Current Institution

Within Current Institution

Teaching Institution

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Course Type










Start Date





End Date





Course Hours