Generate Hearing Notices and Letters

General notice

  1. Click Hearings in Top menu
  2. Select Hearing
  3. Click General Notice
  4. Can print to PDF
  5. Content can be edited in Administration Section| List Category |select Content | Then select 

Detail Notice

  1. Click Hearings in Top menu
  2. Select Hearing
  3. Click Detail Notice- will list all permits that are scheduled for the selected Hearing. It can be viewed and Printed to PDF

 Hearing Letters

  1. Click Hearings in Top menu
  2. Select Hearing
  3. Click Letters- will list all permits individually that are scheduled for the selected Hearing. They can be viewed and Printed to PDF

UnSchedule Permit for Hearing

  1. Select a permit that has been scheduled and Click the Un-schedule button to remove it from the Hearing List

Show Amendments

  1. Select a Permit from Permit List then click the Show Amendments Button and all Amendments for the Well are displayed

Show Renewals

  1. Select a Permit from Permit List then click the Show Renewals Button and all renewals for the Well are displayed