Guidelines for Submitting Tasks to the Intranet

Creating a task on the ESX intranet is a good way to be sure that your request is taken care of in a timely manner. It allows for you to view the action being taken on any task that you are involved in so that you can stay up do date on it's progress, and communicate with everyone involved. Using the task system to report problems or request changes is highly encouraged, but following a few guidelines will ensure that all tasks are handled smoothly and quickly.

Clear Descriptions

Provide an accurate description of the issue or request with as much detail as possible. Remember that the people working on resolving the issue may not be as familiar with your daily process as you are and will need all the information you can provide.

Sequence of Steps

ALL ISSUES MUST BE REPLICATED exactly before they can be fixed. If the issue cannot be replicated based on the steps given in the task, no action will be taken to resolve it. Therefore please provide the exact steps taken to produce the issue so that another user can reproduce them. 


Any and all relevant URLS should be included in the task. Failure to provide a valid URL in the task will delay the processing of your request significantly.