Journal Publications - Data Fields

The following is a list of data fields for the publication types listed below. No description or examples are provided for self-explanatory data fields; not all data fields apply to every publication type.


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals; Invited Articles; Editorials;

Other Articles; Abstracts; and Letters to the Editor

Data Field



Article Title



Journal Title




·      last name (space) first initial (no space) middle initial (space) suffix

·      Insert comma between authors

·      Do not enter any terminal punctuation; it will be inserted by the system

·      Do not use et al

Smith AB Jr, Brown RL, Doe J Sr, Finn H




In Press




Check box to indicate electronic preview.


Note: these two data fields apply to electronic previews of publications available prior to printed publication.


e-Pub Date

Date of electronic publication.


Print Publication Date

Date of printed publication.





Page Number(s)




Check box to indicate electronic publication.


Note: these three data fields apply to publications that will be available only electronically.


e-Journal Date

Date of electronic publication.


e-Journal URL

Web site of electronic publication.




Data Field



CCSG Programs

Use this feature if faculty is associated with one or more Programs.


Select or Deselect an Item:

Click Select. The CCSG Programs screen will be displayed.


Select an Item:

1.   Click the box corresponding to your selection.

2.   Click Select button.

You will return to the Edit Publication screen where you can verify that your selection was successfully executed.

3.   Click Save button.


Deselect an Item:

Note: all selections previously made will be listed at the bottom of the screen.


1.   Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Click the box corresponding to your selection. The √ will be removed from the box.

2.   Click Select button.

You will return to the Edit Publication screen where you can verify that your selection was successfully executed.

3.   Click Save button.


CCSG Shared Resources

Use this feature if faculty is associated with one or more CCSG shared Resources.


To select or deselect a data item, refer to instructions under CCSG Programs.


Grants Related to Publications

Use this feature if the publication is associated with one or more of the faculty member’s grants.


To select or deselect a data item, refer to instructions under CCSG Programs.


Accession Number




Data Field



Journal Impact Factor

·      Ratio of the frequency of citations and total number of items published over a designated period of time.

·      Calculated per journal.

·      Used to measure the importance of scientific journals.


Discipline-Specific Journal Impact Factor

·      Ratio of the frequency of citations and total number of items published over a designated period of time.

·      Calculated by discipline per journal.

·      Used to measure the importance of scientific journals.


Publication Citation Score

·      Number of times a published article is cited each year by other researchers and authors.

·      Used to calculate the Journal Impact Factor.


Date of Citation Score

Month and year the Publication Citation Score is calculated.



An eight-digit PubMed ID number.



Web site of electronic publication if e-Pub is checked.


Abstract Number

Generally applies to meeting abstract, e.g., AACR, ASCO



Text of abstract






Populated during PubMed import


List on Department Web site

Field not activated.


List in Research Report

Field not activated.


List in NIH Biosketch

Field has been activated and should be completed by the user.