Links are created using the Hyperlink Manger tool
You can link to an internal page using the MENUURL tag. The key advantage of using this tag is that the link is to the page ID. Changes to the page file name will be maintained in the link.
Have the page ID number available. The Menu ID is located to the left of the page name on the menus or independent page listings.
Select Tag next to the URL box.
will be automatically entered in the URL field.
Enter the Page ID where <ID> appears. Be sure to remove both the < and > symbols.
Click on the Okay button.
Note: Do not leave the angle brackets around the page number or the link will not work.
The Document Manager tool is used to link to files (e.g. MS Word Document, Excel Spreadsheet, PDF file).
To insert a link to a file follow these steps:
Select link text in the page content then click the Document Manager tool button. If the link text is not in the content, you can add the link text in the tool pop-up window.
If the file was previously uploaded, navigate to the file folder where it is stored and click on the file name. If the file has not been uploaded, you can upload the file from your computer by clicking the Browse button. Select the file to be uploaded and click the Upload button. The file will be uploaded to the directory selected.
In the Title field enter the link text if you did not select link text from the page content.
Select the Target window from the drop list. It is usually best to open file downloads in a new window.
Click the Insert button.