Managing xCatalyst Users

Site administrators are created and management from the command center user administration pages. Basic user information is entered then these users are assigned privileges that enable users to perform specified tasks and activities.

Adding New Users

To add a new user, follow these steps:

1. Expand the Site Administration menu section to expand it.

2.Click the New User link.

3. On the New User page Enter a User ID. Typically entered as first initial and last name. This is a required field.

4. Enter the Password.  The user will be prompted to change the password they are assigned the first time they login. This is a required field.

5. Verify the password.  

6. Enter the user’s First Name.  This is a required field.

7. Enter the user’s Last Name.  This is a required field.

8. Enter the user’s Address, City, State, Zip, Home Phone, Business Phone and Email address.   These are all optional fields. If the user does not have a valid email address they will not be able to retrieve their password.

9. Click Save to save the user’s information.

Inactivating a User

To inactivate a user, follow these steps:

1. Expand the Site Administration menu section to expand it.

2.Click the Find a User link.

3. Click Search to view all users


    Enter User id, First Name or Last Name to search for a specific user.

4. Click the Edit link in the Action column to the right of the name.

5. Un-check the Active checkbox.

6. Click Save to make the user inactive.

Assigning Privileges

When the user information is saved, the View User page is displayed.  The top right of the page includes links to:  Edit User, Edit User Site Privileges.

To assign privileges to an administrative user follow these steps:

  1. In the View User page, click Edit User Site Privileges link.

  2. if there are multiple sites on a network, privileges are set up for each individual site.

  3. To make setting privileges easier,privileges can be inherited from another user.  To inherit privileges select the User from the drop list,  then click the Inherit Privileges button and then the Save button at the bottom of the screen.  

  4. Select the Site Admin Default Environment.  When the user logs in, this will be the environment the user logs into first.  

  5. Assign privileges by clicking on the check boxes. To grant a user administrative rights (ability to do everything), click on the Administrator check box (granting privileges to all features and functionality).  

Searching for a User

To find a user, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Site Administration menu section to expand it.

  2. Click on the Find User link.

  3. Enter information into one of the search criteria fields. To use a partial entry, use the % wild card.  To look for all users with a last name starting with the letter R, enter r% in the last name field.  

  4. Click Find.  

  5. Matching search results will be listed. Locate the User Name link on the search results to navigate to the User Information page.

User Privileges

The table below lists and describes user privileges.




Administrative Privileges

All Site Administrator    

Grant administrative access to all sites on the network

Only applies in a site network format. Not available for single sites.


Grants access to all features and functionality on a site.

If this privilege is granted there is no need to check all other privileges.

Create/Edit Site Admin Users    

Create and edit administrative users.


Site Privileges

Create/Edit Websites

Grants ability to create new websites on a network and to edit  basic site information, including access to the site default template.

Only applies in a site network format. Not available for single sites.

Edit Websites

Grants ability to only edit websites on a network and to edit  basic site information, including access to the site default template.

Only applies in a site network format. Not available for single sites.

Allow Switch Between Stage and Production    



Site Configuration Items    

Grants access to set site configuration options including:

  • Default Site E-mail Address

  • Menu Tree View

  • Calendar Options

  • Content Management Workflow

  • Credit Card Number Visibility

The site configuration options are not changed frequently. Access to this screen should be limited to administrators.

Content Management

Home Page



Publish Home Page  

Grants ability to push home page content changes to production environment.

This privilege is frequently overlooked. Menu 1 privileges are distinct from the home page privileges.

Edit Home Page   

Grants ability to edit content on the home page.

This privilege is frequently overlooked. Menu 1 privileges are distinct from the home page privileges.

Publish Websites (for Edit only)   

Ability to publish websites from the Site Editor.

Site templates can be published form the Menus page also.

Page Templates



Create/Edit/Pub Templates  

Ability to create page-specific templates.


Menu and Independent Pages



Create/Edit Menu1   

Create and edit Menu 1 items.

This privilege can be limited to specific Menu 1 pages or grant all.

Create/Edit Menu2

Create and edit Menu 2 items.

This privilege can be limited to specific Menu 2 pages or grant all.

Create/Edit Menu3   

Create and edit Menu 3 items. Granting this privilege will grant access to Menu 3 items.

This privilege can be limited to specific Menu 3 pages or grant all.

Edit Menu1

Edit only privilege. No need to grant if Create and Edit are granted.


Edit Menu2

Edit only privilege. No need to grant if Create and Edit are granted.


Edit Menu3

Edit only privilege. No need to grant if Create and Edit are granted.


Pub Menu1

Ability to push Menu 1 content to production environment.


Pub Menu2

Ability to push Menu 2 content to production environment.


Pub Menu3

Ability to push Menu 3 content to production environment.


Create/Edit Independent Pages

Ability to crate and edit Independent pages.


Edit Independent pages

Edit only privilege. No need to grant if Create and Edit are granted.


Publish Independent Pages

Ability to push Independent page content from stage to production.


Create/Edit Page Category  

Ability to create Independent Page categories.

Independent pages have to be assigned to a category. Planning categories and limiting access is best.




Create/Edit All Site Areas    

Grants ability to create and edit Global areas for all sites on a network.

This privilege only applies to a site network.

Create/Edit Area Types

Grants ability to create and edit the area types.

New areas must be assigned to an area type. Planning area types and limiting access is best.

Publish All Site Areas  

Ability to publish Global areas to all sites across a network  to the production environment.

Privilege only applies to a site network.

Create/Edit Site Specific Areas   

Ability to create and edit areas that are restricted to one site only.


Publish Site Specific Areas    

Ability to publish site-specific areas to the production environment.





Create/Edit/Pub Translations    

Ability to create, edit and publish Translations or  Labels.

Labels and translations are the same. In a multilingual site they are referred to as translations. It is best to limit access to this privilege.

Edit Translations    

Ability to edit translations or labels.

Best to limit access.

Publish Translations

Ability to publish translation to the development environment.

Best to limit access.

File Manager



Item Upload   

Ability to upload images, documents or other files to the site directories.

This privilege is required if a content editor:

  • inserts images into content that are not already on the server.

  • links to documents or files that are not already on the server.

Delete Files / Folders (Upload Page)    

Ability to delete uploaded files and directories.

Best to limit access.


Member Join Configuration    

Ability to create and edit:

  • Member profile

  • Enable front end join (from public website)

  • Configure member directory

Once these features are set they are not changed very often. Best to limit access.

Member Join Configuration Publish   

Ability to publish the membership join configuration.

Best to limit access.

Register Member

Ability to register members from the back office command center.


Discussion Topic Editor  

Ability to create discussion categories and to edit or delete discussion threads.


Create/Edit Communities  

Ability to create sub-communities and to:

  • Manage sub-community members

  • Assign discussion categories

  • Assign calendar categories

  • Assign menu items exclusive to sub-community.


Create, Edit, View Banned IPs

Ability to enter IP addresses that are banned from the community applications and login.



Dynamic Forms



Create Dynamic Forms

Ability to create, edit and publish dynamic forms.


Dynamic Forms with Credit Card  

Ability to create, edit and publish dynamic forms with credit card fields.

Best to limit access.

Non Restricted Dynamic Forms Edit



Non Restricted Dynamic Forms View   



Delete Dynamic Forms    

Ability to delete dynamic forms.


View Actions for all sites

Ability to view all action items that are generated across a network of sites.

This privilege only applies to a site network.

Search Actions

Ability to run the action item search filters to look for individual action items.

This privilege is separate from the dynamic form search function. All forms create an action type, anyone with privileges to create forms can search them. Sometimes action items are for actions other than dynamic forms (i.e. member join). Granting this privilege provides the ability to search all actions.

View Action Types

Ability to view all the action types on a site.


Manage Action Types

Manage action types.

Best to limit access as the action type information includes who will receive notification and payment processor information.

Site Features



Create Edit Newsletter

Ability to create and send newsletters.

Access should be limited because this privilege allows an editor to send broadcast emails.

Create Edit Email Lists    

Create and edit email lists.


Create/Edit/Pub Calendar

Ability to create, edit and publish a calendar event


Publish a Calendar Event    

Ability to only publish calendar events.


Approve/Create News    

Ability to create and publish news stories and to create news story categories.


Create/Edit User Polls  

Ability to create and publish user polls.


View Marketing Reports    

Ability to run marketing reports.

Must be able to switch to production environment to run website traffic reports.


Ability to create and define affiliates for affiliate framing.


Affiliate Products    

Ability to create, edit and delete affiliate products.





Manage Mall    

Ability to manage website mall (multiple storefronts)


Manage Store

Ability to manage all store functions including publishing store data.


List Stores

Ability to view a listing of all stores on a site.


View Credit Card Invoice

Ability to view sales invoices with credit card numbers.

Best to limit access.

View Customer Data (all)    

View customer data across all sites on a network.

This privilege only applies to a site network.

View Customer Data (Site)    

View customer data for only one site.





View Help Menu

Access to ESX issue submission and tracking system.

Shows help links including link to ESX Intranet to submit issues. Needs activation by ESX.