More about Menu Pages

Defining the Columns

Column One: Page name and Menu ID number. Each page has its own unique Menu ID.

  • To preview a page, click the name of the page, a preview will open in a new window.

Column Two: Action.

  • By clicking the Information bubble, you can view this page’s content and HTML. The information bubble is only available when the page is “checked out” to someone other than yourself.
  • The EZEdit button is clicked to make changes to the content of a page.
  • Selecting EZ Edit renders the page “checked out” to you, much like a library book. No one else can edit the page while it is checked out to you.
  • When a page is checked out to you, an open padlock will display next to the page; when a page is checked out to someone else, a closed padlock will display with that person’s user id.

Column Three: Order.

  • The order level will arrange your menu pages within a certain Menu level.
  • The pages will display on your website in the order that you set when creating the page.
  • To edit the order: Click the EZEdit Button, then on the edit page select edit at the top right. The order can be edited on this second edit page.

Column Four: Page Type (Page Status Code)

  • When a new page is created it must be assigned a page status code. Status codes alert the system to different functionality depending on the status code. When a new page is created, xCatalyst will automatically default page type to content page (CP). Content pages are the most prevalent and include text, links and images.
  • Other page types (NU C, NU NC, NU RAW) enable links to URL's (web page address) within the system or external links to other websites.
  • Hybrid pages are associated with complex functionality (Calendar, Discussions & Member Directory). xCatalyst allows you to specify page types in the page Edit mode.  Page type is indicated by an abbreviation for the page type on the Menus page listing or on the Independent page listing. Page status codes are listed and described below.

Column Five: Rebuild/Publish.

  • When an “NA” is displayed next to your page, the page does not need to be rebuilt, only published. This is true for Hybrid Pages, and pages that are links to other pages or websites.
  • When you “rebuild” a page, changes will be visible on the STAGE version of the website, but not live on the WWW version. When you “publish” a page, the changes will be visible on the WWW (or Production) version of your website.
  • If a check is displayed in one or both of these columns the action selected will be performed when the "Process Checked Items" button at the top of the page is clicked.

The Different Menu Page Types:

Hybrid Pages

Hybrid pages are gateway pages to pre-built applications. There are four Hybrid page applications:

  1. Calendar - creates a calendar page.

  2. Discussion Forum - creates a  discussion forums home page.

  3. Member Directory - Opens to the member directory search page.

  4. News - creates a news listing page.

Note: There is only one news page per site. Creating additional news hybrid pages will interfere with the system's ability to display news. Please contact support if you have additional questions.

URL Pages

URL is an acronym for Universal Resource Locator. In simple terms, a URL is the path to a web page or a web address. There are three page URL Types:

  1. Raw Link - explicit path to a web page outside the xCatalyst framework.


  1. Site Directory Link - signals xCatalyst that the link will be to a page in the site directory. All that is required to make the link is the page name.

Example: About_Us.asp

  1. No Site Directory Link - signals xCatalyst that the link will be to a page that resides on the network but is not in the site directory.

Example: /assnfe/memberdirectory.asp

To create a URL page follow these steps:

  1. Create or open an existing page that will be specified as a URL page.

  2. Click on the Show/Hide Link on the top right area of the screen to expose the page information.

  3. Click on the URL radio button to select the URL page status. When the URL option is selected the WYSIWYG will disappear because the page is no longer a content page.

  4. Select URL type from the drop list.

  5. Enter path to page per URL type above.

Adding a MENUURL Tag

If you are tryig to add a menuurl tag click here.