Modifying Field Attributes

To modify the field attributes for the Member Join Pages, follow these steps:

  1. Click Join Configuration under the Communications link. The Member Join Configuration page is displayed.
  2. Click the Field List link on the top right of the page.
  3. Locate the field you would like to modify, and click the Attribute link in the Actions column. This will display the Attributes page for the selected field. The Attributes will very depending on the type of field. Below is a list of some of the attributes:
    • Field Type – This displays the field type that was selected when this field was added. It can not be changed.
    • Default Value – Enter any information that you would like to automatically be displayed in the field. This is used if the entry will be the same 80-90% of the time, you can save the user time by defaulting in the response. The user will still have the opportunity to change the information.
    • Maximum Length of Field – This refers to the number of characters that this field can contain. If you do not enter any maximum, the maximum with default to 50. 999 is the maximum that you can enter into this field.
    • Control Width – This refers to the size of the box where the user will enter their information. The maximum length of field refers to the amount of data that will be accepted, the control width refers to the size of the box where the data is being entered. It does not have to be the same size as the maximum field length. If the maximum length of the field is 10 and the control width is 5, the user will be able to enter 10 characters, but after the first five, the text will scroll to the left (you can only see 5 at a time).
    • Control on Own Row – No. Normally the control/field will automatically be shown on the next row (one field per row). However, if you check this box, the control will show up on the line with the previous field. If you would like for city, state, and zip to all show up on one row, check the box for state and zip.
    • Default Date – This field is used to select a default date for your date field on the form. You can have the system automatically fill in today’s date, or another date that you enter using the drop down boxes.
    • Default (Checkbox) – Selecting this option will automatically show this checkbox on the form with a check.
    • Checkbox Label – Click the Add link next to checkbox label to enter a name (the text) for your checkbox. This is what will be displayed on the form.
    • Value – The value returned when checked is the value that is stored in the database. The typical value is True, and will default to True if no other entry is made.
    • Default Value (Radio) – To enter radio button options, first click the Options link to the right of Default Value. This will display a window that allows you to enter Option Name, Display Text, Value (to store in the database if option is selected), and Order (to order the different radio options). Click Save and the screen will blank and allow you to enter another option. After you have entered all of the options, you can choose the Default Option from the drop down list (on the Attributes page).
  1. After you have added the attributes for the fields, click Save to save the changes and return to the List of Fields page.
  1. On the List of Fields page, you also have the option to Edit or Delete fields by clicking the Edit or Delete link (where available) in the Actions column.
  2. Once fields have been added, they can be included on the Join page by making them active in the desired Member Join Page section. Edit the specific Member Join Page and check the active box for the field.