
Each time a page is edited, checked in and approved (approvals active), the page archive will store the latest approved page as the most recent archive copy. If Approvals are not turned on the last checked in page will be stored. The Archives link allows you to immediately rollback to previous version of each page.

Viewing Page History

To view a page’s history, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Content Management menu section to expand it.
  2. Click on the Archive link. The Find Page History page will open. This page contains a search filter at the top that is used to locate pages.
  3. To begin the page search select an option from the  Item Type list box. The page will refresh and two additional drop lists will be displayed, Items and Language.
  4. Click the Show History button.
  5. The List of Page Histories page will open displaying the page history for the page requested (latest approved copy first).

Restoring a Page to a Previous Version

To restore to a specific page to a previous version, follow these steps:

  1. View the page history for a page.
  2. On the list of page histories, locate the specific version you want to restore the page to, then click that version's Restore button.
  3. The page content has been restored to the previous version you selected.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to restore other pages to a previous version or click any side menu pane item to leave this page.

Note: If a page is checked out, the page history cannot be restored. A link to the Workspace will appear to prompt the user to check in a page so the page can be restored to a previous version..