Page Publishing

To view content edits on the public website, the content must be published. When a page is checked in and approved (approvals active) the page can be viewed on the Staging environment. Pages can be approved and published on an individual basis or they can be published in groups by using the Publish check box on the Menus and Independent page listings.

Both Menu Pages, and Independent Pages have Check All Publish links that will select all the pages. Once the group of pages are tagged for publication, the Process Checked Items is clicked. The Cache Queue page will open in a new window; the new window can be closed without affecting the publication process.

Menu Processing

  • The Rebuild/Publish checkboxes allow you to select which site pages will be rebuilt and stored in the cache or published to the public website. As pages are added or edited, their Rebuild checkbox will automatically become checked indicating that a page should be rebuilt or published to the public website.

  • You can also force a page to be rebuilt by selecting its rebuild (R) check box. All rebuild checkboxes can be selected or cleared by clicking either the Check All Rebuild or Uncheck All Rebuild buttons at the top of the Menus pages.

  • After pages have been selected for rebuilding or publication, click the Process Checked Items button at the top of the Menus page.

  • Rebuilt pages need to be published to the public website to implement any changes or additions. To publish pages select the Publish (P) check box for each item you want published, then click the Process Checked Items button at the top of the Menus page. All Publish checkboxes can be selected or cleared clicking either the Check All Publish or Uncheck All Publish buttons at the top of the Menus page.