People/Company Fees

Find a People or Company Fee:
Click on either People or Company Fees from the left menu
Search by:

  • Record Type
  • Membership Type
  • Fee Type
  • Select an output

Create People Membership Fees:

  • Click Reference, from the left menu
  • Click People Fees
  • Click NEW in the top right corner of the screen
  • Select a Record Type (People or Company)
  • Select a Membership Type (Regular Member, Honorary Member)
  • Select a Fee Type (Enrollment or Renewal)
  • Indicate the Fee Amount Calculation (Annual or Per Unit)
  • Enter the Amount
  • Enter an Account Code
  • Enter the Entry Fee Amount (if applicable)
  • Enter an Entry Fee Account Code (if applicable)
  • Select a Chapter Fee (if applicable)
  • Indicate the Display Option (front end or back end)
  • Enter any Comments
  • Save

People/Company Fees
Set Chapter Fees (People):

  • Click on People Fees from the left menu
  • Click on Chapter Fees from the link in the top left corner of the screen
  • Click on New in the top right corner of this screen
  • Indicate a Chapter
  • Indicate a Membership Type
  • Indicate a Fee Type
  • Enter the Amount
  • Save

Create Company Membership Fees:

  • Click Reference, from the left menu
  • Click Company Fees
  • Click NEW in the top right corner of the screen
  • Select a Record Type (People or Company)
  • Select a Membership Type (Regular Member, Honorary Member)
  • Select a Fee Type (Enrollment or Renewal)
  • Indicate the Fee Amount Calculation (Annual or Per Unit)
  • Enter the Amount
  • Enter an Account Code
  • Enter the Entry Fee Amount (if applicable)
  • Enter an Entry Fee Account Code (if applicable)
  • Indicate a Secondary Location Restriction
    • How many Secondary Locations can be included in this membership?
  • Indicate the Display Option (front end or back end)
  • Enter any Comments
  • Save