Only a logged in Administrator can access the Permit list by clicking on Permits link at the top of the page.
1. Enter search Criteria, Permit, Owner, Status, Board Month, From Date and/or To Date.
2. Permits matching the search criteria are returned in the list.1. Status, Use, Permit conditions, Permit term, Permit Conditions Export or Temporary Permit
2. Permit conditions entered here will print out on the Permit Certificate
3. Production Amount-
• If you need to adjust the production amount to correct data, it can be adjusted on Edit Permit and a fee is not created.
• If it is truly an amended Production amount, you need to use the Amend Button
4. Owner – Editing owner info or changing owner here will not create an amendment. This is updating the current permit info in case an error was made in selecting the owner
5. General Notes
6. Add/Edit Associated Wells
7. Add/Edit Historic Use