
xCatalyst Standard Reports

Member Contact Report

  • Organization Type
  • Contact Type
  • Location
  • Email Status
  • People Status
  • Company Member Since
  • Add optional columns for more information
  • Export to HTML, Word, Excel, or CSV

Event/Course Reports

  • Event Registration (Detail or Summary)
  • Event Function Confirmation (Detail or Summary)
  • Event Sponsorship Report
  • Event Attendee Balance Report
  • Event Count
  • Event Attendee Roster

Reports can be run by:

  • Event Status
  • Event Fee
  • Attendee Type
  • Attendee Status
  • Discount Codes
  • People Status
  • And exported to HTML, Word, Excel, or CSV

Table Export Reports

  • People
  • Company
  • Contact People
  • People Data
  • Payment
  • Membership Dues
  • Enrollment Data
  • Export to HTML, Word, Excel, or CSV

Event Sales Analysis Report
Filter by

  • Date
  • Batch Number
  • Transaction Type
  • Export to HTML, Word, Excel, CSV

Membership Sales Analysis
Filter by

  • Date
  • Batch Number
  • Transaction Type
  • Export to HTML, Word, Excel, or CSV

People/Company Membership Reports
Report Types

  • Enrollment
  • Expiration
  • Expiration Date: Some date in the present year (D) TO some date in the present year +1 year in the future. Ex. 4/8/2009 to 4/8/2010
    Membership Start Date: Some date in the present year -1 year to some date in the present year. Ex. 4/8/2008 to 4/8/2009
    Filter by Membership Start Date: Yes
    Distinct Members: Yes
  • Approval
  • Membership Dues Paid Date

Transaction Reports
View all transactions processed through your website

  • Dynamic Forms
  • Membership Enrollments and Renewals
  • Event Registrations
  • Export to HTML, Word, Excel, CSV

Izenda Ad Hoc Reporting

Izenda is a third party integrated ad hoc reporting system that enables you to create a report on any data in your database, on the fly. To discuss integrating Izenda into your database, please contact ESX, Inc.

For more information on Izenda, see

Excel Help

Concatenate Function - How to combine multiple cells into one cell