Review Imported Publications

Why a Review is Necessary

Identifying publications belonging to a specific faculty member and avoiding duplication is a complex process because it is difficult to distinguish between like names and even like initials of authors and collaborators among publications. To ensure that a publication belongs to a particular faculty member, it is imperative that you review every newly imported record and either accept or delete it from the FIS database.

To assist you in identifying publications pending review, the Publications Summary Review screen is available, consisting of:

  • Publications from the one-time mass import occurring in March 2007, previously appearing in red on the main Publications Summary Page, and
  • Publicatiions recently imported by faculty and/or the admin staff using the PubMed Import feature and are pending review.

Important: publications displayed on the Publications Summary Review screen will not appear on the CV until accepted.

Review Pending Publications



There are two methods to access the Publication Summary Review screen using the Publications Summary Page (see above).

Method 1

If there are pending publications for review, the following message will be displayed in red on the Publications Summary Page:

There are Pending Publications for Review. Click to view.

Click the link as instructed.


Method 2

a.    Click PubMed on the green title bar at the top of the page (see above).

The Search PubMed screen will be displayed.

b.    Click Publications Review on the green title bar of the Search PubMed screen.

The Publications Summary Review screen will be displayed.




The following options are available:

a.    To import all publications on the list, click Select All link under Import.

b.    To remove all publications from the list, click Select All link under Remove.

c.    To import selective publication(s), click the radio button under Import that corresponds to the publication.

d.    To remove selective publication(s), click the radio button under Remove that corresponds to the publication.


When you have made your selections, click the Process button.

You should immediately be returned to the Publications Summary Page with the message displayed in red: No Publications under Review. Imported items will be added to the list of publications on the Publications Summary Page.

Note: To exit the Publications Summary Review screen without importing or deleting publications, select the Find link on the green title bar at the top of the page. You will be returned to the Publications Summary Page.