Supervisory Teaching

On the Supervisory Teaching home page the user can select a location, that is, Within Current Institution or Outside of Current Institution from the drop list below. Based on the location, the summary page will be refreshed with records containing applicable data fields.




Supervisory Teaching Type Drop List & Values

The Supervisory Teaching section is driven by Supervisory Teaching Type. On the Supervisory Teaching home page, the user can search the list of supervisory teaching types from the drop list below. Based on the type, the summary page will be refreshed with records containing applicable data fields.




Supervisory Teaching Type

Drop List Value



Advisory Committees

A formal committee consisting of at least five (5) faculty members, including the student’s Advisor who serves as chair, chosen to assure representation by faculty members competent in the student’s major area of research. The Advisory Committee has the primary responsibility for monitoring the student’s progress until advancement to candidacy for the degree. This responsibility involves assisting the student with selecting courses, developing a research program, and preparing the Ph.D. student for the candidacy exam.


Supervisory Committees

A formal committee consisting of at least five (5) faculty members, including the student’s advisor who serves as chair, chosen to assure representation by faculty members competent in the student’s major area of research. The Supervisory Committee has the primary responsibility for monitoring the student’s progress from the time the student is admitted to candidacy for the degree until all requirements for the degree are completed. The Supervisory Committee conducts the final defense and approves the student’s thesis/dissertation.


Examining Committees



Direct Supervision &endash; Undergraduate and Allied Health Students

Supervision of students by type of student.


Direct Supervision &endash; Medical Students

Supervision of students by type of student.


Direct Supervision &endash;Graduate Students

Supervision of students by type of student.



Supervisory Teaching Type

Drop List Value



Direct Supervision &endash; Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Supervision of students by type of student.


Direct Supervision &endash; Clinical Residents and Fellows

Supervision of students by type of student.


Other Supervisory Teaching




Supervisory Teaching Data Fields and Examples

The following is a list of data fields for all supervisory teaching types. No description or examples are provided for self-explanatory data fields; not all data fields apply to every supervisory teaching type.


Committees: Advisory Committees, Supervisory Committees, Examining Committees

Direct Supervision: Undergraduates and Allied Health Students, Medical Students, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Clinical Residents and Fellows

Other Supervisory Teaching

Data Field



Supervisory Teaching Type

Select from above list of supervisory teaching types.



Role of the faculty member in a committee or teaching capacity.



Name of committee in which the faculty member has participated.


Training Program Name

Name as it appears in a teaching institution catalogue or training program listing.



 Within Current Institution




 Outside of Current Institution


· Baylor


Teaching Institution

Full name of teaching institution.


Contact Hours



Start Date

If only one date is given, enter it in Start Date.


End Date



Student/Trainee Name

First name (space) middle initial (space) last name. Shaded fields apply to the Student/Trainee.


Committees: Advisory Committees, Supervisory Committees, Examining Committees

Direct Supervision: Undergraduates and Allied Health Students, Medical Students, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Clinical Residents and Fellows

Other Supervisory Teaching




Thesis Title



Thesis Description



Thesis Completion Date




Supervisory Teaching Examples

Three examples are provided of faculty serving in a variety of supervisory teaching roles in various teaching modes.


Committees: Advisory Committees, Supervisory Committees, Examining Committees

Direct Supervision: Undergraduates and Allied Health Students, Medical Students, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Clinical Residents and Fellows

Other Supervisory Teaching

Data Field

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Supervisory Teaching Type

Direct Supervision &endash; Undergraduate and Allied Health Students

Examining Committee

Direct Supervision &endash; Medical Students


Research Mentor


Research Mentor



Examining Committee


Training Program Name

Medical Dosimetry Program


Summer Scholarship Program


Within Current Institution

Within Current Institution

Outside of Current Institution

Teaching Institution

The University of Texas School of Health Sciences

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Kansas School of Osteopathic Medicine

Contact Hours




Start Date




End Date




Student/Trainee Name

Jane Doe. Shaded fields apply to the student/trainee

John Smith

Don Jones





Thesis Title




Thesis Description




Thesis Completion Date