See also Tags

Ex: AC:TEMPLATEAREA:AdArea:True:2,3:StartAd:EndAd

The tag will find an area with a name that matches the current page menuid. For example, if the menuid is 1234, then the area should be named 1234* AreaName. If an area of that name does not exist, then corresponding area for the menu page's parent is shown. If there is not a template specified for any parent item (ie. Independent Pages) then the space reserved for the template area will be left blank.
*Note* If formatting code has been placed in the BeginArea used in the TEMPLATEAREA tag, then the formatting will still be displayed even if there is not a template area specified for that page.

'Param(0) – AreaType – Specifies the Area Type used for these nuggets

'Param(1) - Display on SubPages – True or False

'Param(2) – MenuLevel – list of menu levels that this area should be shown on (-1,0,1,2,3,4) Must include 0.

'Param(3) – BeginArea – The starting area name

'Param(4) – EndArea – The ending area name

To add a nugget to a page that does not already have an existing nugget:

  1. Go to Areas and search for all areas of the type = TemplateHeaderIMG
  2. Create a new area (making sure the are type matches the tag)
  3. Name the are MenuID # followed by an asterisk (*) then any other text (could be the page name) Ex: 1* Home
  4. In the content of the area place the nugget content
  5. Save & Publish the area
  6. Rebuild and publish page(s)


Adding the Right Column content in the template: AC:TEMPLATEAREA:Right Column Nugget 1:True:-1,0,1,2,3,4:RColB:RColE

Right Column Nugget 1: area type that contains all the nuggets that fill this spot in the right column

An area must have Area Type "Right Column Nugget 1" to be used by this tag. An example area named 8020* Calendar with type "Right Column Nugget 1" is showing the calendar on page #8020 and its child pages (if any) because the second parameter is set to True, meaning nuggets will show on subpages. The page ID's specified can be any level page because the third parameter is set at -1,0,1,2,3,4 which includes all pages, especially 0 (default or homepage). RColB is area that begins the nugget can be created new or reuse another area already in existence. Similarly, RcolE is the area that ends the nugget, and can also be created new or reuse another area. Neither the being or end areas need to be the Area type specified by the tag.


1. If we created the nugget for Home to appear on all the pages (example 1* Home) It will not appear on independent or dynamic pages. Only on Menu Pages under Home that do not have another tempatearea specified. If an area needs to appear on all pages, it is not advisable to use nuggets.