
Site Templates

xCatalyst automatically uses the default site template when the system dynamically generates pages. In addition to the default site template, page templates can be created to provide a different look and feel on a page by page basis.

The Template feature is  for advanced users. The ability to create additional templates allows a webmaster to create custom creative elements for individual pages or blocks of pages. Templates can be used for:

  • Storefronts of Online Stores 
  • Giving Sub-Communities a separate identity
  • Special content pages that require a different look and feel.

Templates can be built utilizing other HTML editors (such as Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage). The HTML can then be cut and pasted into a newly created template.

To use alternative templates, the specific template tag ($ PC:USE_SPECIFIC_TEMPLATE:Template Category:Template Name $) must be inserted into the HTML at the top of a page. This tag will flag xCatalyst that a specific template is to be used. This tag will be inserted automatically if a site template is chosen from the top portion of the EZEdit window.

The Template Editor tool allows you to add, edit, and publish templates alternate site templates. Templates can be scripted and tested on the staging server. In order to view a page with an alternate template on the production website, both the page that contains the template tag and the template must be published.

Once you have selected a template, you can edit it and publish it.  If you want to add another template to the drop list, you can do that from the same page.

Applying an Alternate Site Template to a Page

An alternate site template can be applied to a page from the EZEdit page. To apply a template to a page do the following:

  1. Select a Site Template category from the Site Template drop list (the page will refresh)

  2. Select the Name from the drop list. The page will refresh and the template tag will be added at the top of the page content.

Retrieving a Template

To retrieve a template:

  1. Click the Content Management left menu section to expand it.
  2. Click the Template link..
  3. On the Find Templates (Template Editor) page that appears, select a template from the Template Category list.
  4. Click the Get Template button. The View Template page expands, to include a list of all templates for the category you selected. This page provides links to other pages from which you can add, edit, delete, and publish templates.

Previewing a Template

To preview a template click on the Preview link.

Adding a Template

To add a new template to the list:

  1. On the Template Editor title bar, click the Add New Template link. This link takes you to the Create a New Template page, where you can enter information about the new template in the boxes. 
  2.  Enter in each box the required information about the new template.
  3. Click Save.

Editing a Template

To edit an existing template select Templates from the Content Management menu section and follow these steps:

  1. Select a category from the Template Category list.
  2. Click the Get Template button for a list of templates for the category you selected. The View Template page expands to include a list of all templates on your site for the selected category.
  3. Find the template you want to edit and click the Edit link associated with it on the same row.
  4. On the Edit Template page that appears, make your edits in the Template Content box.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting a Template

If you want to delete a template on your site, select Templates from the Content Management menu section and follow these steps:

  1. Select the category from the Template Category list for the template you want to delete.
  2. Click the Get Template button for a list of templates for the category you selected.
  3.  Find the template you want to delete and click the Delete link associated with it on the same row. The Delete Template page confirms the template you want to delete.
  4. Click the Delete button. You are returned to the template list and your save is confirmed at the top of the page.

Publishing a Template

A new template or an edited  template must be published for the changes to appear on the public website. To publish a template click the Publish link.

Page Templates

Page templates enable content editors to select preformatted layouts for the page content. They are chosen from the drop down box below the one for site template. These templates differ from site templates in that they do not give the page a distinct look and feel from the rest of the site, although they can provide additional content elements and styling, or provide structured layouts for content. Often, home pages utitlize page templates.