Office Address

Multiple office addresses may be entered and displayed in a specific order on the CV Report or printing may be suppressed. For example, a faculty member may have a primary office in Houston, a second office in Bastrop, and a third in Smithville and may wish to display the offices in that order.

Office Address – Data Fields

The following is a list of data fields included in this section. No description or examples are provided for self-explanatory data fields.


Office Address

Data Field




Defaults to your institution. The default can be overridden.


Building Room Number



Street Address



Street Address 2










Enter only when Country is not the United States.


Postal Code







No required formatting. A standard should be adopted and used throughout your CV for all phone and fax numbers. If you have more than one office address, list the phone number of your primary office





Unit Number

Formerly Box Number.


Show on CV

Defaults to Address 1.

The drop list for this field consists of Do not show followed by Address 1, Address 2… … Address 7.


To suppress printing of an address on the CV Report, click Do Not Show on the drop list.


To display an address on the CV Report, select a number indicating the sequence in which to display it. This field must be completed for each address entered.


To display addresses in the order shown in the example:


From the drop list, select Address 1 for the first address, Address 2 for the second and Address 3 for the third.

Address 1:

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center


Address 2:

Michael E. Keeling Center for Comparative Medicine & Research

650 Cool Water Drive

Bastrop, TX 78602


Address 3:

Virginia Harris Cockrell Cancer Research Center

Science Park-Research Division

1808 Park Rd 1C

Smithville, TX  78957